School Council Purpose

Please select the workshop DATE below.

Registration cut-off is 12 noon one week prior to the scheduled workshop.

You will receive a copy of your INVOICE by email (check spam). Please use the INVOICE Number to submit for payment. This Learning Opportunity is ASCE grant eligible. No refunds, no cancellations, rescheduling only.

Registrants will receive an email with handout materials and the link to join the workshop.

The workshop link is NOT to be shared with other school councils. The registration fee is for ONE paid school council attending, and is required for ASCA to cover delivery costs and maintain operations.


Understanding the advisory role of school councils through a review of the legislation, exploring rights, responsibilities and choices including which topics/areas are open for discussion helps to guide school council and its work in the school community. Learning how to identify the work of school councils, how to frame a “personal issue” from a school council perspective and how to broach sensitive topics is essential for new and returning members.

ASCA Member Pricing

ASCA Member School Councils are eligible for a 25% discount when registering to attend a Scheduled Learning Opportunity, and when requesting a Learning Opportunity not available on the Scheduled Learning Opportunities Calendar.

Check this list if you are unsure of your ASCA Membership, and if your School Division has paid on behalf of your School Council.

ASCA School Council Membership is $125.

Level 1 ASCA MEMBER Learning Opportunities are $300 + 15 gst = $315

Level 1 NON MEMBER Learning Opportunities are $400 + 20 gst = $420

* link to Request Membership

Please insert the NAME of your school council and the DATE of the workshop. This will be the INVOICE Number. (for payment reference)

Please indicate here and provide details if your Workshop INVOICE was previously paid for.

I understand by placing this booking, I commit to pay for the workshop as indicated/requested. I understand by placing this booking at the ASCA Member School Council pricing, I commit to pay for ASCA Membership ($125) if our School Division will not, or to pay the Non-Member pricing if it is discovered this School Council is not an ASCA Member.

INVOICES are payable upon receipt.

GST #125812651RT0001

Alberta School Councils' Association (ASCA) 207, 11010-142 Street Edmonton AB T5N 2R1