ASCA Members

ASCA Membership for the July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 operating year (updated as additional memberships come in)

By far, the most common type of membership in ASCA is the "Division Sponsored Member School Council". School Divisions sponsor all of their schools' councils by purchasing ASCA membership on their behalf.

Of Alberta's 57 Public/Separate School Divisions, 52 pay for all of their school councils to be members of ASCA. Three Divisions (CBE, Edmonton Catholic, and Lethbridge SD) pay based on request from their school councils to ASCA. Two Divisions (Red Deer Catholic and Calgary Catholic) leave the decision (and cost) to individual schools/school councils. REQUEST FOR MEMBERSHIP FORM

Check this list if you are unsure of your ASCA Membership, and if your School Division has paid on behalf of your School Council.

The school council as a whole is the member. All parents with children in the school are ASCA members through the council membership.

Thank you to the School Boards and Trustees for promoting parent engagement on school councils, and supporting their memberships in ASCA!


Aspen View Public School Division  

Battle River School Division

Black Gold School Division  
Buffalo Trail Public School Division 17

Calgary Board of Education* (pay upon request)
Thorncliffe School Council
Woodbine School Council
Valley Creek School Council

Calgary Catholic Separate School Division* (SC must pay)
Canadian Rockies  
Chinook's Edge 30
Christ the Redeemer Catholic Separate School Division  
Clearview School Division  
East Central Alberta Catholic School Division 6
Edmonton Catholic Schools* (pay upon request)


Edmonton Public Schools


Elk Island Catholic Schools

Elk Island Public Schools


Evergreen Catholic School Division


Foothills School Division


Fort McMurray Catholic School Division


Fort McMurray School Division


Fort Vermilion School Division 13
Golden Hills School Division 17
Grande Prairie Catholic Schools


Grande Prairie Public School Division


Grande Yellowhead Public School Div. 17
Grasslands School Division 13
Greater St. Albert Separate Catholic Regional Division  
High Prairie School Division 10
Holy Family Catholic Regional Division 7
Holy Spirit Roman Catholic School Division  
Horizon School Division  

Lakeland Catholic School Division

Lethbridge School Division* (pay upon request)


Living Waters Catholic School Division


Livingston Range School Division  

Medicine Hat Catholic School Division


Medicine Hat Public School Division


Northern Gateway School Division


Northern Lights School Division


Northland School Division

Palliser School Division 29
Parkland School Division  
Peace River School Division


Peace Wapiti School Division  
Pembina Hills School Division  
Prairie Land School Division  
Prairie Rose School Division 17

Red Deer Catholic School Division* (SC must pay)
   St. Teresa of Avila School Council
   St. Marguerite Bourgeoys School Council

Red Deer Public School Division 22
Rocky View Schools 47
St. Albert Public School Division  
St. Paul Education 11

St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Separate Regional


Sturgeon Public School Division

Westwind School Division  

Wetaskiwin School Division


Wild Rose School Division 16
Wolf Creek  




Connect Charter School 1
Foundations for the Future (FFCA) North Middle School Council 1