ASCA Member School Councils, and Non-Voting Associate Member Fundraising Associations, are eligible for a 25% discount on Support Services, when registering to attend a Scheduled Learning Opportunity, and when requesting an Individual Learning Opportunity not available on the Scheduled Learning Opportunities Calendar.
ASCA Membership

ASCA Member and Associate (FRA) Member Sponsor
Membership Term
Annual membership term is July 1 to June 30. Membership may be purchased anytime throughout the year.
Membership Options
Member School Council - $125.00
The school council as a whole is the member. All parents with children in the school are ASCA members through the council membership.
Division Sponsored Member School Council
School divisions may sponsor all of their schools' councils by purchasing ASCA membership on their behalf.
Of Alberta's 57 Public/Separate School Divisions, 51 pay for all of their school councils to be members of ASCA. Four Divisions (CBE, Edmonton Catholic, Lethbridge, and Buffalo Trail) pay based on request from their school councils to ASCA. Two Divisions (Calgary Catholic & Red Deer Catholic) leave the decision (and cost) to individual schools/school councils. REQUEST FOR MEMBERSHIP FORM
Associate Member (Non-Voting) - $200.00
(example: Fundraising Associations in school communities; partner/stakeholder organizations)
Those who hold membership in any other provincial education association representing school trustees or school boards, superintendents, school business officials, professional teachers or other school staff may become Associate Non-voting members.
This type of membership is subject to Board approval. Contact for more information.