ASCA Brochure ASCA Core Business Introduction to ASCA
Formed in 1929 as an affiliate of the Canadian Home and School Federation, the Alberta School Councils' Association (ASCA) has changed over the years as parent involvement and engagement in education became increasingly valued and supported. In 1995, revisions to the Alberta School Act included mandated school councils - a forum for parents to advise the principal and school board on education matters.
ASCA's role evolved to promote and support strong school communities with effective school councils as a means to facilitate collaborations among education partners, including parents, to enhance student learning.
Today, committed to the vision of "a respected and empowered school council in every Alberta school”, the Alberta School Councils' Association encourages parent engagement in education at the local (school), regional (school board) and provincial (ASCA Board of Directors) levels, primarily through the vehicle of school council.
ASCA provides resources and support to further this vision in a variety of ways, promoting positive relationships between parents, teachers, principals, central office personnel and school trustees. Supporting effective school council practices and demonstrating how parent engagement can enhance school improvement strategies, and ultimately student success, is at the core of all ASCA efforts.
ASCA advances the "parents' perspective” on education issues to government, education partner organizations and others. The collective parents' "voice” is gathered through a resolution process culminating in debate and vote at an Annual General Meeting of the Association. Resolutions carried into policy inform ASCA advocacy efforts.
A non-profit society, the ASCA is governed by an elected, volunteer board of directors comprised of parents on school councils from across Alberta. ASCA members are school councils from rural, urban, metro, public, separate, charter and francophone schools.
Approved 2024-2025 Budget *Approved 06.22.2024
ASCA Objects of Incorporation 2018
Bylaws of the Association (2023)